· tutorials · 3 min read

Streamlining API Testing with Automation Scripts

Welcome back to our series on writing automation scripts! In our previous session, we focused on creating a script that mocks the search query results for a seamless testing experience. For today’s episode, we're flipping the script—quite literally—and diving into how to test the actual responses that our application returns.

Welcome back to our series on writing automation scripts! In our previous session, we focused on creating a script that mocks the search query results for a seamless testing experience. For today’s episode, we're flipping the script—quite literally—and diving into how to test the actual responses that our application returns.

This blog was generated from a tutorial video you can watch here

The Importance of Validating API Responses

While mocking responses can enhance your development workflow, it’s crucial to ensure that your endpoints are returning the correct data. Ideally, you would use a dedicated API testing tool for in-depth validations, but for simpler testing, you can leverage automation scripts effectively.

Setting Up Your Environment

Let’s get started! Open your browser’s developer tools by hitting F12 and navigate back to your automation script. If you haven’t refreshed the page after mocking, do so now to ensure you’re working with live data.

For this example, we want to test the search functionality for the query “quest.” Our goal is to ensure that “Quest 3” is consistently returned as the first suggestion during a search.

Crafting the Script

  1. Define Your Query: We’ll set up our script to check that when a user searches for “quest,” “Quest 3” is the first item returned in the suggestion list.

  2. Identifying the Response Structure: In our script, we will focus on certain fields in the API response to ensure that only the required data points are being tested. Remove any unnecessary fields that don’t pertain to our validation.

  3. Modify the Assertions: We need to ensure our API tests expect the correct content in the specified fields. This involves checking that “Quest 3” appears in the correct position within our response.

  4. Status Code Verification: Along with checking the body of the response, validating that the HTTP status code is 200 (OK) ensures that the endpoint is functioning correctly.

Implementing the Validation

With the structure in place, our next step is to make sure that when we type “quest,” our script will validate the specific response. Should there be any changes later, such as the release of a “Quest 5,” we want our tests to fail, thereby signaling that our API needs review.

Error Handling

As with any automation, it’s essential to handle potential errors such as null responses. Implement early returns in your scripts to maintain their efficiency and prevent the entire test from failing due to minor issues.

Running the Script

Once everything is set, it’s time to run your script! Upon execution, you should see straightforward assertions confirming that your API behaves as expected.

If anything changes in the API’s response—like the introduction of new quest models—the tests should fail, highlighting the inconsistency that needs attention.

Final Thoughts

Using an automation framework like Playwright for API validation not only streamlines the process but also provides a clear view of your application’s behavior. While using tools like Puppeteer can be effective, Playwright offers several conveniences that can simplify your testing process.

If you have any questions or requests for future episodes, feel free to leave them in the comments. Happy testing, and we look forward to seeing you nex

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